Initial Ministerial Education 2 (IME2) is an authorised minister’s second of two phases of formation. IME2 is the shared responsibility of the SEI, dioceses and charges. All ministers within three years of deaconing or licensing as Lay Readers are meant to be in continuing and supervised formation with standard working agreements (arranged mutually by them and their Training Incumbents) under the auspices of a curacy for Priests or a so-called probationary period for Vocational Deacons and Lay Readers.
Those preparing to serve as Incumbents, that is, stipendiary clergypersons, who do not hold a theology degree, are required to earn one during IME2, the three years during which they serve their Titles, either through SEI (free-of-charge) or another provider. All authorised ministers may study at the graduate and postgraduate level in IME2, their Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) or both.
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Students can also make use of the SEI’s library. More information is available at this page.