SEI Lecture

The SEI offers an annual lecture, in 2024 the Reverend Professor Annalu Waller will deliver the Ninth Annual Scottish Episcopal Institute Lecture on Thursday 24 October 2024 at 17.00. 

The Lecture’s title and venue are to be determined. Please save the date.

The eighth Annual Scottish Episcopal Institute Lecture was given by Professor Grant MacAskill (the Kirby Laing Chair of New Testament Exegesis, Kings College, University of Aberdeen) on Thursday 26 October 2023. Prof MacAskill’s title was: ‘Disabling Norms and Acentering Churches: Autism, Long Covid and the Return of the Old Normal’, and was followed by a question-and-answer session.

The seventh Annual Lecture of the Scottish Episcopal Institute was given by the Revd Professor Sarah Coakley FBA on the topic: Worship and Desire in the Anglican Tradition: Why this Matters in Contemporary Church and Culture’ on Thursday 20 October 2022, online. The video of this lecture is available here. The News article following the lecture can be read here.

The sixth Annual Lecture of the Scottish Episcopal Institute was given by the Revd Dr Michael Hull (SEI’s Director of Studies), To Filioque or Not to Filioque: The Warrant of Holy Scripture‘ at the University of Glasgow. Thursday 28 October 2021. The video of this lecture is available here, the text of this lecture can be found in the SEI Journal, Vol 5.4 Winter 2021, pp 105-117 here

The fifth Annual Lecture of the Scottish Episcopal Institute was given by Canon Dr Cathy Ross (CMS’s Pioneer Mission Leadership Team), ‘Mission and Formation in a Time of Lament and Hope: Reflections after Covid-19’, online (originally scheduled at the University of Edinburgh). Thursday 29 October 2020. The video of this lecture is available here, the text of this lecture can be found in the SEI Journal, Vol 4.4 Winter 2020, pp 87-100 here)

The fourth Annual Lecture of the Scottish Episcopal Institute was given by the Revd Canon Professor Paul Foster (University of Edinburgh), ‘Their Pattern and Their King: The Gospel of Matthew as a Model for Christian Formation’, at the University of Aberdeen. Thursday 17 October 2019. (The video of this lecture is available here, the text of this lecture can be found in the SEI Journal, Vol 3.4 Winter 2019, pp 131-100 43 here)

The third Annual Lecture of the Scottish Episcopal Institute was given by Canon Professor Elaine Graham (University of Chester), ‘Liberating the Laity: A Theology for a Learning Church’, at the University of St Andrews. Thursday 11 October 2018. (The video of this lecture is available on Facebook here, the text of this lecture can be found in the SEI Journal, Vol 3.1 Spring 2019, pp 3-18 here)

The second Annual Lecture of the Scottish Episcopal Institute was given by the Revd Canon Professor David Jasper (University of Glasgow), ‘The Role of the Arts in the Church of Tomorrow’, at the University of Glasgow. Thursday 26 October 2017. (The video of this lecture is available here, the text of this lecture can be found in the SEI Journal, Vol 1.4 Winter 2017, pp 3-19 here)

The first Annual Lecture of the Scottish Episcopal Institute was given by Professor Mike Higton (Durham University), ‘Teaching and Witness in the Life of the Church’ at the University of Edinburgh. Thursday 20 October 2016. (The video of this lecture is available here, the text of this lecture can be found in the SEI Journal, Vol 1.2 Summer 2017, pp 6-20 here)