Orientation Week 2024 begins!

The SEI community is now gathered at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull, Perth, from Monday 26 August to Sunday 1 September for its Orientation Week 2024.

Orientation Week marks the start of the academic and formational year. It is a time for the community to worship, to learn and to rest in God. It includes the intake of new students as well as the return of continuing students to their formal Initial Ministerial Education.

The Opening Eucharist took place on Monday with the Rev Dr Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh presiding and preaching, the Rev Margaret Williams, deaconing, and the SEI community participating in lively fashion. It was a joy-filled and celebratory event!

Please do pray the SEI students and staff during this important week in their lives of discipleship.

Photo courtesy of Prof Michael Hull, Principal