Michaelmas at SEI

Michaelmas, particularly the final weekend in September, was full-on for the Scottish Episcopal Institute.
Our first IME1 residential weekend took place from Friday 26 through Sunday 29 September at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull, Perth, with a discussion around the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill and Christian ethics on Friday; three seminars on theological reflection & reflective practice, one each for students in their first, second and third years of formation on Saturday; and lectures on Saturday and Sunday to all students on the Creeds & Councils of the undivided Christian Church in the first five centuries. Of course, the weekend’s focus was on prayer and worship. Mr Bright Tafirenyika, a first-year ordinand from the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway (pictured above), led the community for Sunday’s Morning Prayer.

Sunday saw two deaconings of recent SEI graduates across the Scottish Episcopal Church. Ross Stirling-Young was ordained to the diaconate by the Rt Rev Ian Paton in St Ninian’s Episcopal Cathedral, Perth, at 3pm. Eilidh Proudfoot was ordained to the diaconate by the Rt Rev Dr John Armes in St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh. Needless to say, ordinations are the highpoint in our formational year when we see our students go into their ministries after years of prayer, study and preparation. Eilidh will serve her Title as Assistant Curate at St Paul’s & St George’s Church, Edinburgh, Diocese of Edinburgh; and Ross will serve his Title Assistant Curate at St Columba’s Church, Stanely, Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane. Please keep them and the entire SEI community in your prayers!

Photo courtesy of Prof Michael Hull