Bishop’s House, Iona

Recently, Ross Stirling-Young, a second-year, mixed-mode ordinand, returned from a retreat on the Isle of Iona. Ross spent four days (Tuesday 20 June through Friday 23 June) at Bishop’s House during one of their ‘Open Weeks’.

Ross, reflecting on his retreat, writes: As one progresses in formation into a third and final year at the Scottish Episcopal Institute, it is highly recommended that a retreat be undertaken to allow time to feel closer to God without the distractions of daily life. Admittedly, my ‘thin place’ of choice is the Holy Island of Lindisfarne; but for some reason, I felt drawn to Iona instead, and it did not disappoint! Each day started and ended with worship in St Columba’s Chapel or the Abbey itself.

I knew of the Iona Community but had never experienced it in person. I benefited from participating in services for Justice and Peace, Prayers for Healing and An Act of Commitment. The Abbey worship brought freedom in a way that enabled me to receive gifts from God of wisdom and nourishment. More importantly, my retreat enabled healing and wholeness to a situation I had recently found difficult.

One of the highlights was spending time in nature enjoying God’s beautiful creation. I ventured to the small island of Staffa and spent time praying and reflecting in the awe-inspiring space of Fingal’s Cave. I even managed to experience the natural acoustics and sing a little piece of Taizé when the other visitors left!

I am extremely grateful to Bishop Ian Paton of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane and the wonderful staff of Bishop’s House for enabling this retreat to have taken place.

Photos: St. Columba’s Chapel, Bishop’s House; Iona Abbey; and Iona beach, courtesy of Ross Stirling-Young