Faith and Order Board Residential 2025

The Scottish Episcopal Church’s Faith and Order Board met for its annual residential at the Stirling Court Hotel, University of Stirling, from Monday 10th of March through Wednesday 12th of March 2025. Prof Michael Hull, Principal of the Scottish Episcopal Institute, participated in the deliberations as the Pantonian Professor of Divinity who is an ex-officio member of the Board.

The Board is convened by the Primus, the Rt Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness, and its membership includes the Scottish Episcopal Diocesan Bishops, two representatives of each Diocese as appointed by each Diocesan Synod, one of whom must be a member of the House of Clergy of the General Synod and the other a member of the House of Laity of the General Synod, and the Conveners of the pendant committees of the Board. 

The Board considers questions of Church government, organisation and relations with the Anglican Communion and other churches. The Board is responsible for its five pendant committees: Liturgy, Inter-Church Relations, Interfaith Relations, Doctrine and Canons. The Faith and Order Board is integral to the workings of the Scottish Episcopal Church and in addition to its annual residential meets throughout the year online.

A highlight of the residential was a presentation by the Rev Canon Prof Charlotte Methuen, Convener of the Inter-Church Relations Committee and Professor of Church History at the University of Glasgow. Prof Methuen spoke, and facilitated a conversation among the Board’s members, about the Council of Nicaea.

The Scottish Episcopal Institute closely collaborates with the Faith and Order Board as SEI develops and expands its offerings in initial ministerial education, continuing ministerial development, lay learning and the formation of all baptised disciples of the Scottish Episcopal Church.