The SEI core team of Anne, Richard, Mike, Linda and Liz spent a day recently in the Glasgow and Galloway Diocesan Office – and what stunning surroundings they proved to be! The work of the day was very definitely helped by the light-filled spaces in which we worked and lunched.
The Office, opened last March, is in the basement and ground floor of a former shop unit within Glasgow’s Italian Centre in the city centre. The architects’ brief was to create a modern, welcoming, and accessible environment out of an awkwardly shaped space, offering attractive public areas as well as flexible and secure working areas for both staff and visitors – and this they definitely achieved. Not only is the new centre eminently more accessible than the old, but also infinitely more beautiful thanks to the insertion of bespoke carpentry elements such as handrails, screens, built-in storage and a beautifully framed timber staircase.

The staff team was there for an intensive planning session for the academic year 2023-24. First on the agenda was the issue of aligning the curricula for IME1 and IME2 into a seamless whole, and in this we were skilfully led by the Revd Liz Crumlish, IME2 Officer. Then came the task of beginning to juggle the palette of modules to be offered next year, balancing individual vocational requirements against the need to have workable cohort sizes in each subject. The work on this difficult task was led by the Director of Studies, the Revd Dr Mike Hull, in conjunction with the Revd Dr Richard Tiplady, Director of Mixed Mode Training.
Other matters included the scheduling of upcoming Facebook and web site posts, and consideration of the need for the production of training videos. The latter are intended to offer helpful online tutorials for Associate Tutors, guiding them through such matters as the ethos and practicalities of marking, creating a module outline, assignment types and so on. Linda Harrison, SEI’s Administrator, had created two such online resources in advance of the day, and walked us encouragingly through the production process, thus giving the rest of us the confidence to have a go at creating them likewise.
The day included times for sharing news, food and prayer, with the Principal framing the day with a reading from and reflection upon Jeremiah 29. As we mused upon the changing context of SEI’s work we also listened to the assurance of God’s abiding presence: ‘When you search for me, you will find me.’
Immense thanks go to the Glasgow Diocesan Office staff for all that they did to make the day go smoothly and enjoyably.
Photographs courtesy of Graeme Nicholls Architects and
Petko Marinov, Digital Engagement Officer, Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway