March Residential Weekend

The Scottish Episcopal Institute’s fourth residential weekend of the formational year 2024-25 was held at St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull, Perth, from Friday 7 March through Sunday 9 March, incorporating the First Sunday in Lent. Features of the weekend included a presentation on Friday evening by the Rev Professor John Behr, an Orthodox priest and Chair in Humanity at the University of Aberdeen. Father Behr’s presentation was entitled ‘From Gospel to Creed’, wherein he exegeted passages from the writings to St Irenaeus and led SEI staff, students and guests in discussion around developments of theology in the early years of Christian history.

Lectures included ‘Foundations for Reflective Practice in Context (Short)’ with the Rev Diana Hall; ‘Reflective Practice in Context (Short)’ with the Rev Dr Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh; and ‘Reflective Practice in Context (Long)’ with the Rev Liz Crumlish. In addition to his lecturing (‘Creeds, Councils & Ecclesiology’), the Rev Canon Prof Michael Hull, SEI’s Principal, presided and preached at the Scottish Communion Office (1929) and with the assistance of Ms Lenore Simson, a first-year ordinand from the Diocese of Edinburgh (pictured above).  During each year students experience a variety of Scottish liturgies as well as liturgies from the United Reformed Church, including Saturday’s Evening Prayer, which was led in a URC style by Mr Peter Ranscombe, a URC student.

Please keep our students in your prayers for fruitful Lent and Happy Easter in their preparation as authorised ministers in Christ’s Church.