Pantonian Lecture 2024: Lead us not into temptation

Prof Michael Hull, SEI’s Principal, delivered the 2024 Pantonian Professor of Divinity Lecture on Wednesday 12 June 2024, St Ternan’s Day, at St Vincent’s Chapel, Edinburgh. 

The lecture is entitled ‘Lead us not into temptation: On translating the Lord’s Prayer’. The lecture exposes temptations to distort Holy Scripture in translation and claims the literal sense as the sine qua non for authentic translation with reference to the Lord’s Prayer, especially Matthew 6.13 and Luke 11.4. The lecture may be found here. Resources referenced in the lecture may be found here.

Michael was appointed the Pantonian Professor of Divinity by the College of Bishops of the Scottish Episcopal Church in July 2023. The Professorship dates to the early nineteenth century when Miss Kathrine Panton, a devout Scottish Episcopalian, funded a ‘Professor of Divinity’ to assist in the training of the Church’s ordinands. The Pantonian Professor of Divinity offers an annual lecture for the Scottish Episcopal Institute. Michael’s Inaugural Lecture was delivered on St Jerome’s Day, Saturday 30 September 2023, and is entitled ‘St Jerome and the Quest for the Holy Word’. It may be found here.

Photo courtesy of Ross Stirling-Young