Prof Hull Addressed the Diocesan Synod of the United Diocese of Argyll & The Isles

SEI’s Principal, Prof Michael Hull, was honoured to address the Diocesan Synod of the United Diocese of Argyll & The Isles on Wednesday  26 February at the Corran Halls, Oban.

The United Diocese of Argyll & The Isles covers the mainland of Argyll and stretches from the northern tip of Lewis to the Mull of Kintyre encompassing the Hebrides, Skye, Mull and Iona and including Bute, Arran and Cumbrae.

​The Diocesan Conference on Tuesday 25 February considered the theological and pastoral responses to the Assisted Dying Bill and were led by the Rev Dr Hamilton Inbadas. The Diocesan Synod was constituted later in the day at the Synod Eucharist in St John’s Cathedral, Oban, by the Rt Rev David Railton, and the Synod’s business sessions began on Wednesday 26 February . Prof Hull’s address focussed on the ways in which SEI forms people for ministry across the Province.

Prof Hull was in Oban as part of SEI’s renewed efforts to engage the wider Scottish Episcopal Church it serves. SEI supports ordinands, students for lay ministries and all those engaged in deepening their Christian faith across the SEC. It does this through programmes of formation and learning, both onsite and online, which aim to nurture the discipleship of all the baptised in their shared response to the call of God in their individual vocations.