SEI Journal

An Outreach of the Scottish Episcopal Institute

The Scottish Episcopal Institute’s vision – to form and develop people as godly, competent and confident ministers – includes the whole of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

The Journal is a vehicle for debate on current issues in the Anglican Communion and beyond. It invites dialogue on what it means to think as an Episcopalian in Scotland in the twenty-first century.

The Scottish Episcopal Institute hopes the Journal to be a catalyst for prayer and theological reflection at the heart of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Volume 8.3: Winter 2024

The winter issue of the Journal is about migration with a description of the work of Scottish Faith Action for Refugees, some reflective articles on ministry with migrants and two academic articles, one on Priscilla and Aquila and one on patristic teaching.

List of Journals available for download:

The Journal – peer-reviewed, electronic and free-of-cost – welcomes previously unpublished contributions. Each issue of the Journal is in two sections: Articles of 2,000 to 5,000 words (including citations) that offer a focused contribution to the life of the church on any level (allowing for articles beyond 5,000 words to appear in parts); and Book Reviews of 500 to 1,500 words that appraise and discuss contemporary theological, liturgical, pastoral and ministerial works.

SEI’s Director of Studies convenes the Journal’s Editorial Board. It includes four other members: the Convener of the Doctrine Committee of the Faith and Order Board of the SEC (ex officio) and one other member of that Committee, and two other SEC communicant members (who may or may not be members of the Doctrine Committee or SEI’s teaching staff). Other than the Convener of the Doctrine Committee, the Director of Studies appoints the other three members (and additional members if helpful).

The Editorial Board members are the Rev Dr Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh (Convener), Director of Studies at SEI (ex officio); Dr Elizabeth Corsar, Tutor in Biblical Studies, St Padarn’s Institute, Cardiff; Dr John Reuben Davies, Senior Research Fellow (History), School of Humanities, University of Glasgow; the Revd Dr Harriet Harris, Convener of the Doctrine Committee of the SEC’s Faith and Order Board, University Chaplain and Head of the Chaplaincy Service, University of Edinburgh (ex officio); the Revd Canon Dr Alison Peden; and the Revd Dr Jenny Anne Wright, Chaplain to the Archbishop of York, Bishopthorpe Palace, York. The Revd Canon Dr Nicholas Taylor is the Journal’s Book Reviews Editor.

The Journal accepts manuscripts only in electronic form, preferably in MSWord and following the Modern Humanities Research Association Style Guide: A Handbook for Authors and Editors (3rd edition; London, 2013), available here. Please email submissions by attachment to Dr Thomasson-Rosingh ([email protected]). For additional information, please contact Dr Thomasson-Rosingh at the Scottish Episcopal Institute, General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church, 21 Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EE, 0131 225 6357.

The Journal is published quarterly. Its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is 2399-8989.

The submissions and publication dates for each year are:

(1) Spring: submissions by 1 February with publication on 20 March; (2) Summer: submissions by 1 May with publication on 20 June; (3) Autumn: submissions by 1 August with publication on 20 September; (4) Winter: submissions by 1 November with publication on 20 December.


The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the authors in the Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Scottish Episcopal Church, the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church or the Scottish Episcopal Institute.