The Scottish Episcopal Institute trains candidates for ordained ministry as priests (incumbent and assistant), vocational deacons and Lay Readers. SEI is the sole training agency for the Province. Training is conducted in partnership with the Common Awards scheme (administered jointly by the Church of England and Durham University) or with the School of Divinity (New College) of the University of Edinburgh.
With Common Awards, modules are delivered by a system of networked learning for a formational community across Scotland, including a mixed-mode pathway with full time and part time placements.
All ministerial candidates spend three years in SEI’s formational community. During those three years, each must earn a Diploma of Higher Education in Theology, Ministry and Mission before deaconing or licensing, unless they hold a DipHE or degree in theology already. All authorised ministers may continue to study for a Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Graduate Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma or Master of Arts, but those aspiring to incumbency are required to earn Durham’s BA (Hons), unless they are already educated to degree level in theology or choose another provider in consultation with SEI and their diocese.
More information:
Students can also make use of the SEI’s library. More information is available at this page.