Principal at All Saints’, St Andrews, for Corpus Christi

SEI’s Principal, Prof Michael Hull, was honoured to preach at the Holy Eucharist on Corpus Christi, Thursday 30 May, at All Saints’, St Andrews, and to join in the Procession. The Rev Canon Dr Alasdair Coles, Rector, presided and offered Solemn Benediction. Canon Coles, in addition to his duties at All Saints’, is an Associate Tutor at SEI, as well as an Honorary Lecturer at St Mary’s College, the School of Divinity of the University of St Andrews.

All Saints’, situated in the historic old town of St Andrews, close to the ruined cathedral and castle, was founded in 1903 as a mission to the fishing families who lived above the harbour. The church is open all day, every day for any who wish a quiet place for prayer and reflection. Prayer and the sacraments are at the heart of its life, with the Eucharist celebrated regularly. Though surrounded by history, the congregation of townspeople as well as University staff and students, live in the present, worshipping God and looking with hope to the future.

Prof Hull was in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane as part of SEI’s renewed efforts to engage the wider SEC it serves. SEI supports ordinands, students for lay ministries and all those engaged in deepening their Christian faith across the SEC. It does this through programmes of formation and learning, both onsite and online, which aim to nurture the discipleship of all the baptised in their shared response to God’s call in their individual vocations.

Photo courtesy of All Saints’, St Andrews