Principal at St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee

SEI’s Principal, Prof Michael Hull, was honoured to preach at the Sung Eucharist on Sunday 17 March at 10.30 at St Paul’s Scottish Episcopal Cathedral, Dundee. It was Passion Sunday, the Fifth Sunday in the Season of Lent. The Presider was the Very Rev Dr Elizabeth Thomson, the Provost, who welcomed Michael to the Catherdral. Elizabeth is also an Associate Director of Ordinands for the Provincial Team working with the Provincial Director of Ordinands for the selection and recruitment of women and men for ministry in the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC).

St Paul’s was consecrated on All Saints’ Day 1865 by Alexander Penrose Forbes, Bishop of Brechin, and one of the SEC’s most illustrious clerics. The famous architect George Gilbert Scott designed the building on Castlehill, an inspiring addition to Dundee’s skyline. Since the early nineteenth century, the SEC strengthened and prospered in Dundee, and St Paul’s have been the seat of the Bishops of the Diocese of Brechin since 1905.

Prof Hull was in the Diocese of Brechin as part of SEI’s renewed efforts to engage the wider SEC it serves. SEI supports ordinands, students for lay ministries and all those engaged in deepening their Christian faith across the SEC. It does this through programmes of formation and learning, both onsite and online, which aim to nurture the discipleship of all the baptised in their shared response to the call of God in their individual vocations.

Photo courtesy of Prof Michael Hull