Alastair Haggart Bursary Fund

In November applications to the Alastair Haggart Bursary Fund were invited. We now remind you of that invitation as we approach the application deadline on Monday 22 January 2024.

Applications are invited by the Alastair Haggart Bursary Fund Committee for the 2024 award. The Bursary is awarded annually in memory of the Rt Rev Alastair Haggart, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church (1977–85). It aims to help finance sabbaticals or other similar leaves of absence on the part of fulltime SEC ministers at a stage in life when such an experience will significantly enhance his or her ministerial development. The outcomes of the project should also benefit the wider Church.

Due to the recent generous legacy received from the estate of the late Mrs Mary Haggart, awards totalling up to £2,500 will be made in 2024. The Committee will convene in late-January 2024 to adjudicate the winner/s, who will be notified by early February.

Grants in recent years have funded a wide variety of pursuits from studies of ‘pilgrimage’ and ‘interim ministry’ to a sabbatical in the Tantur Institute of Ecumenical Research. Another beneficiary produced a meditative Lent Study Guide based on a daily artwork, having spent time in art galleries in Washington and New York. Awards have been won by clergy and Lay Readers alike.

The most recent recipient is the Very Revd Sarah Murray, (above) Provost of Inverness Cathedral and Convener of the Mission and Ministry Board of the SEC, to explore ministry and spirituality in cathedrals.

If these projects have fanned into flame a sabbatical dream within your heart and mind, why not consider applying? Simply complete the application form found here, and return it to the SEI Administrator by Monday 22 January 2024.

Photo courtesy of the Very Revd Sarah Murray